Monday, September 11, 2023

Getting closer to being ready

Only a few more days to get ready. Trying to get the RV buttoned up, pack for hiking and packing, and working... what stays here or goes to AR is proving to be... challenging. I finally just decided to do my best and allow myself room (in my way of thinking--not literally!) to forget something or take unwanted stuff. It's bound to happen.

To add to the mix, the weather has been uncooperative AND TBG has a monstrous tooth infection. It looks like he has a golf ball in his cheek. We actually managed to get him seen and the dentist said the tooth needs to come out but we'll wait until we get back to AR. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and it will be better soon. So happy it happened now and not when we're in the middle of nowhere! God truly has His eye on us!! 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Not done yet!

 It's been ten years since our PCT thru hike attempt. Since then we've tried to knock out more miles but life kept interfering. This fall we are trying yet again. We plan on on starting in Yosemite and walking to Mt. Lasson. We're older and out of shape so we are setting a goal of 15 miles a day. I'm optimistic that we'll be better but I'm also realistic enough to not push too hard. We know what to expect now and I think that's half the battle. We know it's going to be hard and we're going to be tired, sore and hungry. We also know we enjoy it and look forward to the experience one can experience in this way. 

So, all that being said, I'm restarting the blog. I'm not sure how blogging will go but that is my plan.

Yesterday we bought the last of our food resupply and today we packed it all in the drop boxes. We're going pretty light. I'm worried that it won't be enough for Jeff--aka  The Bald Guy (TBG). We estimate we packed about 2000 calories a day. We're planning Three 6/7day stretches and two 3/4 days for a total of 26 days of hiking. We can do this...

Got our haircuts done and trying to wrap up closing up the RV for the winter and preparing to head back to Arkansas for the winter. 

The only photos I have so far are of our wimpy food...

Seven days of food for all needs to fit in the bear canister which makes it even more challenging to bring enough food.

One day's supply for two. This is actually pretty close to what we've done in the past.....

The bear can. Try as we could, we could only get 6 days of food in. We'll carry day seven's food in our bear bag. This handy unit has traveled a lot of miles with us. A good investment for sure. 

TBG will carry this while I take the tent, etc. 

Wish us luck!

Yep, you guessed it....

We still love hiking!

Koko & TBG