Sunday, August 11, 2019

Burney Falls to Echo Lake

"Hike smart."

That's how we think.

 It's how we plan each section, each day,  each water source,  each campsite, each step.

Beautiful Burney Falls. A must-see if you are ever in the area. we were hiking the section into Burney Falls, we got news (via the trail hotline) that the store where our resupply box was waiting for us, had new hours. Now open Wed thru Sun. Closed Monday and Tuesday. Uh-oh. We were on track to arrive late Sunday. If we didn't adjust our hiking speed/mileage, we'd have to wait until Wednesday to resupply. With no extra food. No viable restaurants or stores.

Part of the beauty of section hiking is flexible schedule.  No big push. Generous food in our packs. Low mileage days.

We have another saying, "It's all part of the adventure."

We did it.

And we paid for it.

Things happen on the trail every day. Sometimes mentally. Sometimes physically.  Add the fact that we're hiking as a couple, the variety of happenings is, shall we say, challenging?

A typical day finds us stubbing our toe, dodging poison oak, getting whacked in the face with a branch, or hitting our shin while climbing over a downed tree. We just walk it off.

On the push to Burney Falls,  KOKO twisted her ankle.

Okay. Walk it off.

One and a half days and 29 miles later, we make it to Burney Falls and successfully retrieve our resupply box. Whew. Made it.

Meanwhile,  the temperature has been averaging between 90 and 100. Our next section is the Hat Creek Rim. Known for it's lack of shade and water.

And KOKO's ankle/foot isn't getting better...

"Hike smart."

After researching our options and with very little debate, we came up with a plan. Hitch a ride to the town of Burney, ride a bus to Redding, rent a car and drive to South Lake Tahoe.

Sounds simple enough.

As you can imagine,  we have way too many stories to share in one post!

Our quaint hotel-with air conditioning AND a Jacuzzi tub! Whoot! Whoot!

We were the only riders on the commuter bus to Redding. Plenty of opportunities to goof off!

Our rental car freely shared the temperature.  Some things we wish we didn't know!

Our new friend,  "First One" the German hiker who rode with us to Chester. A load of entertainment, information, encouragement, hiking wisdom and fun

Sign at Drakesbad guest ranch where we picked up one of our skipped resupply packages. Very remote but totally cool place to go.

Famous milkshakes at Caribou Crossroads (Belden). Expensive but tasty.

One of our stops on our road trip. Informative and free and a great leg stretcher after being in the car awhile.

Donner Memorial State Park. We camped here one night and took in the visitor center. This quote was especially meaningful to us.

Donner Memorial. KOKO was last here as a 13 year old!

Our campsite showing our tent, bear box and rental car.

Lake Tahoe.

Two goofballs at the Lake.

Poster at Hard Rock Hotel that had meaning for us.


  1. Air conditioning and jacuzzi must have felt amazing! What an adventure. You guys are doing an amazing job of going with the flow and taking the challenges as they come. - Anna
