Thursday, March 7, 2013

New friends, Resupply, and Life on the Trail.

So I was talking to Andrew at Next Adventure the other day about getting a new hip belt for my ULA pack and the fact that we were not planning on coming out to the store. He mentioned that he would be giving a slide show about his PCT hike and that would be our excuse to come on out. Plus -- there was going to be beer...

Now that Halfmile has published the 2013 maps and notes ( we are getting our resupply points firmed up. Dad is our resupply headquarters and has given permission for his email to be given out (I sure hope Mom knows about this!) for a contact. He will know where we are at any given time. If you want to meet us on the trail or want to send us something, Dad is the one to help coordinate that. Just shoot him an email and he'll help take care of it! (

 Spring is coming the the North Oregon Coast. Daffodils are blooming and tulips are coming up. Today the sun is shining and I'd most certainly want to be hiking instead of at the library working on the blog. Our resupply boxes have been in the "to load" position in the spare room for months, but they are mostly empty. We have no food ready. It seems that our mental/physical condition and our equipment have taken priority. We are not concerned, though, we have done enough trail to know it will come together. Stress levels about the hike are at a minimum, we are ready!

Even though I'm a short-timer, I better show up at work. Will check back with you soon!

See you on the trail.

We love hiking!

The Bald Guy (and Sue)


  1. Jeff n Sue, got your dad's email written down and hopefully we will be able to see you at some point in Southern Oregon. Any special "treat" requests??? Do you have a general idea of the timeframe for arriving in the Ashland - Crater Lake region?

    1. Hey guys! Sue loves her Diet Pepsi and The Bald Guy enjoys homemade chocolate chip cookies... Continue watching the blog for specifics, but we plan to stop at Hyatt Lake Resort/Campers Cove around August 2. Coordinate with Dad and maybe you can bring us our resupply box!

  2. Hi Jeff and Sue

    I see the counter is approaching 30 days. Exciting times. I've been checking in on your blog from the start. I thought that this would be a good time to drop in and say hello.

    We are a married couple who enjoy hiking and are going to give the PCT another go this year. We love Oregon. We met one of your neighbors online: The HikingFools. They said that you were a cool couple.

    With all the young folks heading out this year, I was a bit worried that I would be the only bald guy on the trail.

    We look forward to meeting the two of you. Hopefully our paths will cross somewhere along the trail.

    Best Wishes
    Larry (and Sandy) Tyler AKA Will and Annie

  3. So I am really beginning to dislike blogging! I had a response all typed and ready and POOF it's gone. I guess it's not the blogs fault, it's must be the computer. It certainly can't be the operator! Thanks for reaching out to us Will & Annie! We are anxious to meet you. It's nice to know there are others out there that are "hair challenged" and perhaps a little more "mature" if you get my drift! When are you leaving? We'll be watching for you!

    1. Hair challenged. I Like that.

      We are still debating our departure date. Originally we were planning a May 3rd departure if it was an above average snow year. But we are considering hiking to ADZPCTKO on 4/26 if it is an average snow year.

      So far the snow levels look pretty good although one big storm could change that rapidly. If the snow levels remain below average, we may begin the week before KO and hike to Warner Springs and then hitch back for KO. Worked for us in 06

      Still up in the air but we'll decide for sure around April 1st

      Will the "Hair Challenged" Guy
