Saturday, May 11, 2013

Scene From the Trail - Photo page 1

We are having trouble with
blogger freezing our keyboard and not working well for us so it's very likely that we will be changing things in the near future. In the meantime here (& in the next couple blogs) in unfortunately random order, are some photos.

Our first snow. Perfect timing too as we ran out of water. Never been so happy to see snow. We gorged on it and filled our bottles. Yum.
Tree supporting a rock? Kinda cool.

Horned Lizard. Very fast and hard to spot. This guy was very cooperative.

Cactus flower. Not something we see a lot of at home.

Maybe it's because they are pink, but these are probably my fave flower.

Hiker "Cuddles" on the cello and his wife perform at Paradise Cafe (hwy 74).


  1. Seriously? You don't know how frustrating it was to load. Try cut snd pasting the link? When you DO get there view one at a time for comments. If you do slude show you miss commentary.

    We're in Big Bear now. Will probably try to contact you. Love ya!

  2. Jeff & Sue, did not work for me either. I tried going there and doing the cut and paste, still did not work???

  3. OK, something IS working for me, looks like your regular posts--but like you said, no comments w/the slide show.

    Glad your feet didn't need water that badly, BTW! So what do you do to keep out unwanted creepy crawly company from the tent?! ;-)


