Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11-Happy Mother's Day and more

May 11 is finding us relaxing at Big Bear. We pushed hard yesterday with a 19 mile day to get us to town, showers and of course pizza!

Since the 7th we've hiked only about 60 miles. We cowboy camped about 15 miles in our first night for a great night under the stars. Enjoyed passing the wind turbines which made a loud cooing sound. They are so much larger than one realizes. It was obvious by the wind why they are located here. Our new friends we made at Ziggy and the Bears have already passed us and we are sad that odds are against us meeting them again. There is some solace though as I hike I think of them going before us and experiencing the same things.

May 8 found us sleeping in after a great night cowboy camping. But the late start made the hike harder and we did less than 12 miles. I'm discouraged. It seems to take forever to get nowhere. The whole day was uphill even though gentle. We also saw poodle dog brush for the first time. Boy does it stink. Bad news, don't even get it on your clothes! Good news. NO BLISTERS or even prevention! The hiking community is amazing. People bond quickly through our experiences. Most conversations consist of, "when did you start?" "Where?" "What's your trail name?" Friendships are formed and hiking partnerships come naturally as people consistently hike together.

I'm still fighting the hiking blues. Just so slow and so tired. I really need a long hot bath. It rained lightly today...not enough to warrant rain gear. Rumor has it that real rain and maybe snow will be coming. Yuck. Quit early and grabbed last flat spot before switchbacks. Literally a foot off trail. Hey it's flat! I was just getting ready to sit and soak my feet in Mission Creek today when I looked up into the eyes of a huge rattlesnake. About 2"around and 5' long he wasn't happy about my intrusion. I didn't argue and found somewhere else to soak.

May 9. Low miles. Poor attitude and tired. We have to carry extra water due to long waterless stretch (for our low mileage) which makes our packs heavier than we like. Of course that encourages us to drink more which makes us pee more which makes more breaks etc , etc. We were just unloading packs to make camp when the hail cut loose turning everything white in minutes. Fortunately that was it. Thunder rumbled a bit but that was it. Love our mattresses and sleeping bag!

May 10 found us having a good hiking day. We made 19 miles for pizza and a hot shower! We'll zero a day and Miriam will come taxi us around on Sunday. Very frosty in the morning...brrrrr. Had some wonderful trail magic at Onyx summit-thanks Aloha! The scents are intoxicating. I wish there was a way to share the juniper, sage, cedar, fur and dusty blend that overwhelm the senses. The Bald Guy is having some pain in his feet that we hope the zero day will help. We found a room at NATURE'S INN ( where we got a great hiker welcome-thanks Ed!

We love hiking!

KOKO and The Bald Guy


  1. Happy Mother's Day!! I'll miss seeing you tomorrow, but I hope you have a great day resting. Love you lots! Great to hear from you. Glad the blisters are quitting. :)

  2. Glad to hear from both of you and thanks so much for taking the time to post the pictures and hiking updates. I check everyday waiting to see where you are and what you have encountered. Just HYOH (hike your own hike) and don't worry about the miles or other hikers - you have each other. Enjoy this time and experience together. Keep on trekking!!!!

  3. HYOH, I like that! ;-)

    Just do what, where, how and when you can, and enjoy every bit of the journey!


  4. You inspire me to get on with my life and make a difference. Such adventures you are having. I can't wait to see your photos.

    Life in Mookville is good, especially when you are retired. Doing fun stuff (plein air oil painting class, guitar class, writing, planting a garden, the beach, writing day at a cafe when it rains, etc. Saw the Dalai Lama in Portland last week.


  5. Good to hear from you! Thanks for the news from home. I will need help going through photos when we get done. There will be thousands of them! There are times (many times daily) I wonder what on earth we are doing! It is hard physically and emotionally but I "Keep On Keepin On" (my trail name is KOKO). It helps to hear from folks who will take the time to write words of encouragement.Look forward to seeing you when we return!
