Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, Why don't skeletons climb mountains?

...Because the don't have the guts! Gotta love those laffy taffy riddles!

So here we sit under a bridge at Scissors crossing trying to do the blog.

What an eventful time we are having. So much to share we don't know where to start. We are on the trail now at about mile 79 so we are closing in on our goal of Warner Springs by Saturday.

We started off with a bang on Sunday with 7 other people--only 2 were American so it was kind of cool. We took the lead and were the only ones to make 20 miles by arriving at Lake Morena. There we met Mike, Carnivore, Purple & Moses. It was cold and drizzly and the wind blew like mad. We played leap frog with some of our original mates who have as of today officially passed us. I don't think they would have except I have been plagued with blisters. Not willing to give up we did another 20 miler yesterday and now I have blisters on my blisters. I mean blisters between my toes  and that are raw and bleeding. Very painful so now we are slowing down with only 15 milers scheduled for the next 2 days.

It's been hot & dry yesterday & today and The Bald Guy's sun rash on his hands is starting to blister while my tan is deepening.

Water has been our biggest motivation. We carry extra when there is a long dry stretch which of course makes our packs heavier. Speaking of packs, ours weighed in at the start at 29lbs and 33 lbs.

As I mentioned we are on trail with no power or internet hookups so I will sign off now and add photos etc. later.

Blisters and all--We love hiking!

KOKO & The Bald Guy


  1. You are near some very old stomping grounds..tell u more when we see you. Let us know what we can do to help. We have some friends near there.
    Meemama Fultz

  2. Great to hear from you. Take your time and let those blisters get's a long hike. Enjoy each moment...can't wait to hear more and to see pictures.

  3. SO Good to hear from you, blisters and all. Don't let them get infected, a dab of the OG or Lavender should help. Love you--all is well.

  4. The kids enjoyed me reading this to them. Micah says he'd rather have Grandpa's sunburn than Grandma's blisters. I think I'd have to agree. :)
    Love you both. Micah says he really misses you guys already. He still wants to go on a long hike with you. And he can't wait to see the pictures you send them.
    Abbie wants to go on a little hike w/ you. She wants you to come back to your house so she can see you tomorrow. :)
    Tommy says he loves you. And they got new shoes and sandals. Just wanted to tell you :)

    Love you!

    1. So good to hear from you. I hope your blisters heal soon and the bald guy's burn does too. You are an inspiration to us all. can't wait to hear from you again :-)

  5. Happy Day tomorrow! What a wonderful way to celebrate--off alone on a romantic little getaway! ;-) Love you guys! Take care of the owies...

    And I'm with Micah, mis you!
