Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6, 2013 The Identity Crisis is Over!

With less than a week to go I have finally been blessed with my trail name. After months of listening to me tell stories of
preparations, stresses and life in general, my dear Alaskan soul-mate and BFF dubbed me, "Keep On Keepin' On" or KOKO. It feels good to have a name that is fun, flattering and encouraging. Not only that, "KOKO and the Bald Guy" has a nice ring to it, don't you think? I suppose it's possible I could be renamed on trail, but for now, KOKO is who I am and what I intend to do. Thank you BFF for giving me an identity!

As far as preparations go...well it's never ending--the worry that is. Did I pack the...where is...who will...did we...what about...what am I forgetting...? What will my house be like when I come home? My bed will still be made (it better be since no one is supposed to sleep there!) I won't have driven in 5 months or cuddled my grandkids or cats. Life will continue as usual at home and perhaps the eeriest thing, our calendar will still be stuck on April.

Who will we be when we return? (Look at me, we haven't even left and I'm talking about returning!) We don't think we'll be the same but, how will we be different? Such philosophical questions...

Thank you for sharing our journey with us. For standing with us and carrying us with your encouragement. We love you and appreciate all you have done, are doing, and will do for us.

We love hiking (we really do)
KOKO and the Bald Guy! 
Hand in hand we'll make this journey together.


  1. Of course KOKO could stand for double knockout, like a boxing term, so The Bald Guy better be nice! Can hardly wait for you to start hiking so we can start reading about it. Maybe things will work out when you get to Southern Oregon on the PCT for us to meet up with you and help you with rides and/or supplies. Best of luck and enjoy every moment on this adventure.
