Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 12- Mile 700 and Kennedy Meadows

We made it to KM! It wasn't what we expected.
 698.7  to 706.6
Elevation: 6289

 A small store run by generators and trucked in water. We paid for our showers and resupply boxes, got a delicious burger from the cafe and decided not to stay. There were two computers that were extremely slow and in high demand so it wasn't worth waiting hours to use them. There was one clothes washer (again powered by a generator) that was in high demand and due to the lack of adequate power, no dryer (there was a clothes line and LOTS of sunshine).

There is a new excitement amongst the hikers. We are officially out of the desert and at the beginning of the next phase, the Sierras. We have graduated so to speak. We are now required to use bear canisters in the next several hundred miles. Some hikers are familiar with their canisters, others have never used one, there is at least one representative of each brand and size. Hikers are experimenting with how to pack them. We packed ours at home for easier shipping so we are one of the few who are ready. Nearly everyone  is concerned with the additional weight of the canister. At least water should not be a problem anymore...There is no cell service here so we call TBG's folks collect but even that doesn't work but it does enough that they are able to call us back on the store phone and we are able to give a very brief status update. Not being impressed with the accommodations at KM, we hit the trail and camp at the Kern River bridge where we slosh our clothes in the river and hope they'll dry overnight. We are both struggling emotionally. So tired and discouraged.

We hit the 700 mile mark just before arriving at KM. Wow, that seems like a lot, but in the big picture, we are just getting started, not even 1/2 way...discouraging.

5 positives:
1. Rivers!; 2. Cafe hamburgers (they were so yummy!); 3. People who love us; 4. New socks; 5. "Clean clothes" and showers

We LOVE hiking,
KOKO & The Bald Guy


  1. Forget the big picture for now....700 miles is a major accomplishment and only 300 miles away for 1000!!!!!! Keep plugging away.....

  2. You can do whatever you want/need to do, as long as the calories keep flowing. ;-) And I agree with Glenn & Carol, 700 miles is a huge accomplishment!

    Love you guys, ALWAYS, regardless and forever!!!

