Monday, June 3, 2013

May 21 - Mt. Baden Powell

This may get a little weird because The Bald Guy is doing the blog from KOKO's journal, but here it goes . . .

Also new to the blog will be the details of each day: miles, campsite location, elevation.

PCT mile 369.48 - 383.36: 13.88 miles
Lat/Long: 34.34284, -117.82399
Elevation: 7,665

After two zero days with Miriam, we are back on the trail. Felt pretty good but apprehensive this morning as the first and primary challenge was Mt. Baden-Powell, with an elevation of 9399'.Hikers climb almost 4,000 feet in four miles! It is relentles UP but does have an end so was doable. I (KOKO) was in the mood to beat the heat, so even though I was struggling with sore feet (new shoes) and feeling the effects of lots of food for two days. We marched up in good time and spirits.My (KOKO) mood began to shift when I found out we had to climb an additional 1/4 mile off of the PCT to summit, but we did enjoy a good lunch on top. An airplane actually flew below us while we were there! But now, we've made camp early. Some reports of bears, but we are not worried. Our goal was 16 miles, but we spotted this site and were pooped -- so stopped for the night.

The trail establishes who's the boss in the first 20 miles and we spend the rest of the trail fighting to prove we can handle it. Sometimes that involves more than other times. It's so much more than physical. It's a mind game, too. It's pushing on when you want to stop. It's enduring through pain. It's adapting to every challenge. It's accepting and makng due. It's learning to do without comfort and ease. And to be strong when you hurt. It's learning to be patient -- very patient -- there's no way to hurry the trail.It will make you go the pace it sets for you. It's learning to look around and be aware of your surroundings, on the power, majesty and beauty around you. To be careful and respectful. To meet others who are on their own journey on the trail. It's sleeping under the starry skies and breathing the freshest, cleanest air and dodging Poodle Dog bush and listening to the birds and rattlesnakes. It's burning in the desert and freezing in the mountains.  It's peeing quickly before someone comes!

Five positives of the day:
1. Great weather
2.Visiting with hikers
3. Finding campsite close to goal
4. Incredible views
5. Had a needed power nap on the trail

We love hiking!

KOKO and The Bald Guy

View from the top.

Hiker graffiti

Great views

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