Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 8 - The Push

Due to the heat warnings, we decided to get up early and were on trail at 3 am.

PCT miles: 628.88 to 651.34
longitude/lat: 35.66380   -118.03584
UTM: 11S 406246    3947154N
Elevation: 5264

 It seemed to work tackling tough hills by headlamp before the sun and heat hit. We cranked out the miles until about 9 when the heat hit. We thought we'd set up the tent for comfort/privacy in the shade of some trees for an afternoon siesta only to have the sun beat down on it moments after we climbed in. Welcome to the sauna-what a sweat bath! We managed to sleep a little but finally gave up and hit the trail again, determined to make it the distance to Walker Pass. We did it! Twenty-two miles! We walked in at about 9 pm met by other hikers and wonder of wonders, Yogi and some of the most wonderful trail magic of water, sodas, spaghetti, hot dogs, salads, fruit, and blessed rest. Yogi has done the PCT multiple times and written one of the best guide books. She understands trail magic! Miriam is due to arrive in the morning with a resupply box for us. Bless her and her family for helping us out this way, otherwise we would have had to carry an additional 5 days of food this leg. We are now essentially done with the desert and off to Kennedy Meadows and the Sierras. I am actually looking forward to the mountains. I am desperate for a shower and clean clothes. I haven't shaved my legs for a month and my leg hair is at least 1/4" long! TBG's beard is long too. We are definitely looking like hiker trash! Saw several bunnies and squirrels and horned lizards. Much of the trail hiked today was ATV trails-definitely more fun on an ATV!

Taking a break. Taking in  the view.

No  Hitch Hikers allowed! Bug on TBG's shirt.

Clouds just add to the already incredible  beauty.

The sun sets, but our day continues...

KOKO and Yogi

5 Positives

1. Trail magic; 2. Friends; 3. Critters! 4. Water! 5. Camera/electronics


1 comment:

  1. Things sounding good, but you're looking awful lean DS!

    So glad for good friends, known and unknown.

