Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 24 - View From the Top of the World - Mt. Whitney / Mt. Whitney Portal (Lone Pine, CA)(GUEST BLOG By Amazon)

Finally, the big day had arrived
--back on the trail near Horseshoe Meadows near the top of Mt. Whitney.  The packs were ready, we had some lunch, and then we jumped up in the car and embarked on trip to Lone Pine, CA and Mt. Whitney.  Both Sue and Jeff are quiet, and Sue is able to nap during the ride.  On the way into Lone Pine, we found a house that might look somewhat familiar to Spongebob fans.

Before beginning the 25 mile drive up the mountain to Horseshoe Meadow via the Mt. Whitney Portal, we stopped and bought a T-Shirt and one for Trunk.  We stopped at the local coffee shop and had milkshakes and other goodies.

As we drove up the portal, the sights were amazing around this area known as "Alabama Hills."  Many movies and TV shows hav been filmed in this area since the 1920s, e.g., Bad Day at Black Rock (1955), Gunga Din, Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy; more recently, the films include the Iron Man and the Transformers.

The road up the portal is full of curves and we remarked how we felt like we were headed up to the "top of the world."  The views were amazing.

Much as we wanted the magic of the last week to continue, the time came for Sue and Jeff to take those steps back onto the trail.  I think they were just relieved that the moment had come and could take some action.

Horseshoe Meadows:
  • LAT:  36.44789
  • LONG:  118.16892
  • UTM:  11S 395244 4034262N
  • ELEVATION:  9940 feet
  • DECL: 12.8 degrees (east)

We headed back down and stopped for a number of pictures.....things were very quiet now as we contemplated the beginning of their journey.  Here is a picture of the road up to Horseshoe Meadows  as we left Lone Pine....look at the switchbacks on the mountain...the zigzag is the road.
 So -- they are off.  Next stops are Cottonwood Pass (Mile 750.2), Rock Creek (Mile 760.5), and then, the big one:  Mt. Whitney (Mile 767) at an elevation of 14,505 (give or take a few; the exact elevation has changed with advances in technology).  Given that Tuesday is their first day back after the extended break, my guess is that they will make Rock Creek either late  Tuesday or Early Wednesday, and then, Mt. Whitney on Wednesday.

I sure hope that we will be able to see a picture of Sue in her bright blue Mt. Whitney T-shirt!

---Amazon (aka Miriam), Guest Blogger

1 comment:

  1. We are thrilled you guys are back out there! Enjoy the Sierras, take your time, and have fun.
