Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 5 - Running on Empty

Another long day as usual.

PCT miles: 577.80 to 596.76
longitude/lat: 35.33938   -118.28212
UTM: 11S 38 383486    3911434N
Elevation: 5797

Actually the trail wasn't horrible, just hot. Mostly exposed and as usual, low water. Somehow we managed to pull off a 19 miler today. Not sure how! TBG has some blisters and is doing the needle and thread treatment which seems to work well for him. We found a nice site well off trail which is our MO. Love the privacy. I'm still struggling with the mentals. The hike is hard physically, but harder mentally I think. Why do we (and others) continue to do this, hike miles a day, fighting the elements, toasting our feet and muscles, starving ourselves only to collapse into our sleeping bags at night and then get up and do it again, day after day? Sometimes, it's fun. I like the physical activity, but then again, I'm so tired. The encouragement we get from you followers and those we meet along the way keep us going. Also, hearts. It's amazing how many heart shaped rocks you see on the trail. Literally 10 to 20 per day!  

5 positives of the day
1. 19 miles; 2. secluded site; 3. nice breeze & siesta; 4. squirrels to entertain us; 5. Water purification pills!


1 comment:

  1. Love those heart shaped rocks, they show up in the strangest places and at the oddest--but most opportune--times! ;-)


