Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 6 - The Mentals

I slept good last night but TBG didn't.

PCT miles: 596.76 to 613.29 
longitude/lat: 35.45723   -118.25113
UTM: 11S 38 6468    3924469N

Elevation: 5976

It took 3 hours to go 5 1/2 miles to water. It's hot and dry and  my negative attitude remains a dark and gloomy cloud over me. (Which wouldn't be so bad if it would at least provide shade!). We are hungry and thirsty. I can feel the weight coming off this week. TBG says my butt has fallen off. I'm having some PCT moments since there is so much time to think. The PCT is not fun, nor is it meant to be. The reason it calls to people is for the personal challenge is offers--2,660 miles of personal endurance. Not so unlike the challenges faced by triathletes or marathoners. It's just long and at the mercy of the elements. Will my attitude improve when we get to the cooler climate? The trail has been perfect today. There is so much life happening that we are missing by being on trail-wedding, baby, grand-kids, work, friends and family. Where do we draw the line on what is REALLY important? I am so hungry yet the heat zaps the appetite. Many hikers get up early (like 2 am) to beat the heat. We are contemplating the idea.

One of the first "chores" of the morning. KOKO captures the sunrise!

Varied terrain makes our days interesting.

A rare sight. Open flower on a Joshua Tree.

5 positives
1. Good insoles; 2. Air One radio!; 3. hearing aids (sure need them!) 4. Short cuts; 5. Bed time in the tent in nature.


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